Student Workshop Resources:
Mild Intellectual Disabilities
MID October 7th.pdf
Annotated Biblio.pdf
OCDSB Documents and Resources:
Ontario Skills Passport (Digital Literacy Skill Sets) for Lesson planning:
Assistive Technology Glossary of Common Terms:
Word Q Demo video:
Word Q word prediction software (free trial)
Dragon Naturally Speaking Demo video:
Read & Write for Google (Text to speech):
Sample School Technology plans/ BYOD policy promotion:
Sample Class website/method for parent communications:
"How Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. (Frustration, Anxiety, Tension) City Workshop
This unique program allows viewers to experience the same frustration, anxiety and tension that children with learning disabilities face in their daily lives.
Teachers, social workers, psychologists, parents and friends who have participated in Richard Lavoie's workshop reflect upon their experience and the way it changed their approach to L.D. children. 1989."
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