
November Practicum

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Saved by Jon
on November 7, 2014 at 3:48:06 pm

November 7th 2014


Dear Class,


I hope your fall practicum is off to fantastic start!


Please print and use the following permission forms/resources if you will be conducting an interview for your Interview/Field Work assignment:


PED 3106 Consent to be interviewed form(2).doc

PED 3106 consent form for Parents of children(1).doc

PED 3106 Interview Questions(1).doc

Investigative Assignment Rubric.doc


Some advice for a great practicum session:


  • Check out the clubs/ teams/ events running at the school. Get involved where possible.
  • Network! At some point in the first few weeks, meet the Principal, Vice-Principal(s), Guidance, Student Success and Special Education staff.  
  • Be freindly and on time for your classes. The relationships and repuation you build in school as a student teacher will be very important. 
  • Consider running a seminar/workshop for students during your practicum. Examples might include a series of Yoga classes or student wellness/ fitness, guitar, dance, etc.
  • Consider planning an event. Examples might include charity fund raising, or special guest speaker for a target group.
  • Try to stay healthy! Teaching can be very challenging, and even more so if you are feeling ill. 
  • Ask for help when needed and be open to the feedback from your mentor teacher.  
  • Strive to be resilient during the challenging (but fun!) process of building your professional identity.
  • Demonstrate your personal philosophy of teaching and learning through your daily interactions with staff, students and parents. 


Please do contact me during November if you have any questions or conerns! See you back in class on December 2nd. 

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